

java Programming Glossary: determining

Algorithm for Determining Tic Tac Toe Game Over


a game of tic tac toe in Java and my current method of determining the end of the game accounts for the following possible scenarios.. is somewhat small but is there a better algorithmic way of determining if the game is over The determination of whether someone has..

Converting a JFreeChart TimeSeries series with Day data to Week or Month data?


may be a silly question and I know it could be done by determining what week or month each data point is in etc. but I'm looking..

Best way to compare 2 XML documents in Java


which both contain valid XML how would you go about determining if they are semantically equivalent Bonus points if you have..

Java - How to change context root of a dynamic web project in eclipse


file attached with the WAR file. The how the tomcat is determining that the context root of my web app is MyDynamicWebApp and is..

Is this valid Java?


equivalent which Dan showed was not the case. Thus the determining factor must be if the JLS takes generic types into account when..

Preferred Java way to ping a HTTP Url for availability


10 . Calling connect is by the way not needed if you're determining the response data. It will implicitly connect. For future reference..

determining java memory usage


java memory usage Hmmm. Is there a primer anywhere on memory..

GC overhead limit exceeded


activity. Seems to imply that the evaluation period for determining the 98 is one minute long but it might be configurable on Sun's..

Java's Virtual Machine and CLR


add two values and the JIT compiler is responsible for determining the types of the operands and creating appropriate machine code...

Primitive type 'short' - casting in Java


specification but is only completely instantiated by determining the target machine. Java precisely defines how integers are..

Why doesn't java.lang.Number implement Comparable?


or not. Also with the real primitive types float double determining if two values are equal is tricky and has to be done within..

Playing MP3 using Java Sound API


of all channels of the current clip. This can be handy for determining a fraction to scal visual representations. @return Double between..

Word Wrap in JButtons


CSS rendering abilities to to do the 'heavy lifting' of determining when to do a line break. It uses a JLabel but the same principles..

How to clone an InputStream?


catch Exception e System.out.println Error determining charset e return UTF 8 java clone inputstream share improve..

Character Encoding Detection Algorithm


east to detect with the escape sequences. If that fails determining the difference between EUC JP and Shift JIS is not as straightforward...

Java raw audio output


harmonic.setSelected addHarmonic Provides the slider for determining the # of frames per wavelength primarily to allow easy adjustment..

How do you play a long AudioClip?


of all channels of the current clip. This can be handy for determining a fraction to scal visual representations. @return Double between..

Algorithm for Determining Tic Tac Toe Game Over


for Determining Tic Tac Toe Game Over I've written a game of tic tac toe in..

Java double comparison epsilon


has a difference less then a given double epsilon . Determining the given epsilon is highly dependant on the precision of the.. minus second is greater then a given double epsilon . Determining the given epsilon is highly dependant on the precision of the.. minus first is greater then a given double epsilon . Determining the given epsilon is highly dependant on the precision of the..

Export PDF pages to a series of images in Java


pixels for this method's implementation see e661 Determining If an Image Has Transparent Pixels boolean hasAlpha hasAlpha..

Java: Determining Current Call Stack (For Diagnostic Purposes)


Determining Current Call Stack For Diagnostic Purposes For diagnostic purposes..

Determining if an Object is of primitive type


if an Object is of primitive type I have an Object array and..

Benchmarking inside Java code


System.nanoTime making it more accurate . I also looked at Determining Memory Usage in Java for memory usage. The website shows how..

Java Memory explained (SUN JVM)


Other Java Specialists newsletter Articles on performance Determining memory usage in Java Java Performance Tuning web site Java World..