

java Programming Glossary: diag

Algorithm for Determining Tic Tac Toe Game Over


move so you can only search row column with optional diag that are contained in that move to limit your search space when.. requries 3 in a row etc edit added code to check anti diag I couldn't figure out a non loop way to determine if the point.. a non loop way to determine if the point was on the anti diag so thats why that step is missing public class TripleT enum..

Bounding ellipse


Algorithm while err tolerance Matrix multiplication diag u if u is a vector places the elements of u in the diagonal.. diag u if u is a vector places the elements of u in the diagonal of an NxN matrix of zeros X Q diag u Q' Q' transpose of.. of u in the diagonal of an NxN matrix of zeros X Q diag u Q' Q' transpose of Q inv X returns the matrix inverse of X..