

java Programming Glossary: diameter

Change the angle/position of a drawing with a algorithm in Java


Graphics g super.paintComponent g pacman movement diameter 75 pacman.drawPacMan g getHorPlaats getVerPlaats diameter Color.yellow.. diameter 75 pacman.drawPacMan g getHorPlaats getVerPlaats diameter Color.yellow ghosts movement int g1x for g1x 0 g1x 10 g1x pacman.drawGhost.. int g1x for g1x 0 g1x 10 g1x pacman.drawGhost g g1x 40 diameter Color.red pacman.drawGhost g 170 70 diameter Color.blue java..

Java Bouncing Ball


List Ball balls new ArrayList Ball Color color int diameter long delay private int x private int y private int vx private.. Color.pink else if ballcolor white color Color.white diameter 30 delay 40 x 1 y 1 vx xvelocity vy yvelocity protected void.. interrupted move repaint public void move if x vx 0 x diameter vx getWidth vx 1 if y vy 0 y diameter vy getHeight vy 1 x vx..

Something seems wrong with the layout, JButton showing unexpected behaviour at resize of the window


boolean isTimerRunning private int speedValue private int diameter private DrawingArea drawingArea private Timer timer private.. true speedValue 1 colourCounter 0 isTimerRunning false diameter 50 backgroundColour Color.WHITE.brighter foregroundColour colours.. new DrawingArea x y backgroundColour foregroundColour diameter drawingArea.addComponentListener componentAdapter frame.add..