

java Programming Glossary: g.dispose

Java image resize, maintain aspect ratio


g.drawImage originalImage 0 0 img_width img_height null g.dispose return resizedImage Now the problem is I also need to maintain..

Dynamic Graphics Object Painting In Java


if it's painted on load or not. g.drawLine 10 20 350 380 g.dispose ActionListener listener new ActionListener public void actionPerformed.. random.nextInt 40 drawArc x y xx yy g else drawNode x y g g.dispose view.repaint public static void main String args MyCanvas canvas..

Add a complex image in the panel, with buttons around it in one customized user interface


iconPressed.getWidth p 1 iconPressed.getHeight p 1 12 12 g.dispose button.setPressedIcon new ImageIcon iconPressed make it transparent..

JLabel images array


g.setColor color g.fillRect 0 0 width width g.dispose return new ImageIcon img public int getValue return value public..

How to resize text in java


graphics object g.drawImage textLayer 0 0 null gBuffImg.dispose add panel public static void main String args ResizeImage frame.. c.getRed c.getGreen c.getBlue int c.getAlpha .75 g.dispose ImageIO.write bi png new File new File System.getProperty user.home..

Browse for image file and display it using Java Swing


g.drawImage originalImage 0 0 baseSize baseSize null g.dispose return resizedImage public void setTarget File reference try..

Get mouse detection with a dynamic shape


y x s y g.drawLine x y s x y s l.setIcon new ImageIcon img g.dispose try ImageIO.write img png new File System.currentTimeMillis..

Quality of Image after resize very low — Java


origImage extraWidth 2 extraHeight 2 fWidth fHeight null g.dispose ImageIO.write resizedImage jpg new File destImg catch IOException..

Collision detection with complex shapes


g.fill obstacle g.setColor Color.YELLOW g.fill player g.dispose public static void main String args Runnable r new Runnable..

Resize an image in Java - Any Open Source Library?


Rotate an image in java


h 2 g.rotate angle w 2 h 2 g.drawRenderedImage image null g.dispose return result from http flyingdogz.wordpress.com 2008 02 11..

Java2D Graphics anti-aliased


g.drawString as.getIterator 5 messageHeight g2d.dispose g.dispose return bi Can anyone please help me to rectify the error java..

Java: how to do double-buffering in Swing?


g bufferStrategy.getDrawGraphics g.drawImage bi1 0 0 null g.dispose bufferStrategy.show ... The graphics grabbed from the bufferStrategy..

Export PDF pages to a series of images in Java


image onto the buffered image g.drawImage image 0 0 null g.dispose return bimage public static boolean hasAlpha Image image If..

Changing JPanel Graphics g color drawing line


BACKGROUND_COLOR g.fillRect 0 0 ST_WIDTH ST_HEIGHT g.dispose @Override protected void paintComponent Graphics g super.paintComponent..

Smoothing a jagged path


g.setColor Color.BLACK g.setClip null g.draw areaOutline g.dispose public Area getOutline Color target BufferedImage bi construct.. g.drawImage image twoToneFilter 0 0 g.dispose public static void main String args throws Exception int size..

Why does the JTable header not appear in the image?


Graphics g bi.createGraphics p.paint g g.dispose return bi public void writeImage BufferedImage image String..

How to handle events from keyboard and mouse in full screen exclusive mode in java?


bufferStrategy.getDrawGraphics render g finally g.dispose bufferStrategy.show private void render Graphics2D g g.setColor..