

java Programming Glossary: g2.setfont

JList with categories


open PAD 0 this else g2.drawImage closed PAD 0 this g2.setFont font FontRenderContext frc g2.getFontRenderContext LineMetrics..

Print text File to specific printer in java


int interline 12 Graphics2D g2 Graphics2D g g2.setFont new Font CourierThai Font.PLAIN 10 int x int pf.getImageableX..

Program to create a PNG waveform for an audio file


0 h INFOPAD w INFOPAD if errStr null g2.setColor jfcBlue g2.setFont new Font serif Font.BOLD 18 g2.drawString ERROR 5 20 AttributedString.. else if capture.thread null g2.setColor Color.black g2.setFont font12 g2.drawString Length String.valueOf seconds 3 h 4 else.. seconds 3 h 4 else g2.setColor Color.black g2.setFont font12 g2.drawString File fileName Length String.valueOf duration..

How can I make this JButton visible? When I have progressive scan background JWindow()?


AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER alpha g2.setColor getForeground g2.setFont font FontMetrics fm g2.getFontMetrics String s getTitle Insets..

How to add sexy on/off sliders?


RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_ON g2.setFont getFont g2.drawString getText lx gap y h 2 h 4 share improve..