

java Programming Glossary: gd.getdefaultconfiguration

How do you create a thumbnail image out of a JPEG in Java?


gd ge.getDefaultScreenDevice GraphicsConfiguration gc gd.getDefaultConfiguration BufferedImage image gc.createCompatibleImage w h return image..

Determine windows display number and/or layout via java


for GraphicsDevice gd ge.getScreenDevices Rectangle bounds gd.getDefaultConfiguration .getBounds System.out.println bounds.toString for my setup this.. null for GraphicsDevice gd ge.getScreenDevices Rectangle b gd.getDefaultConfiguration .getBounds if bUpperRight null b.x bUpperRight.x b.y bUpperRight.y..

Detect current screen bounds


for GraphicsDevice gd lstGDs GraphicsConfiguration gc gd.getDefaultConfiguration Rectangle screenBounds gc.getBounds if screenBounds.contains.. pos Rectangle bounds null if gd null bounds gd.getDefaultConfiguration .getBounds return bounds The basic idea is to provide a screen.. new Rectangle for GraphicsDevice gd lstGDs bounds.add gd.getDefaultConfiguration .getBounds return bounds Basically it just walks all the screen..

Program not accessing method paintComponent() of extended JPanel class


gd ge.getDefaultScreenDevice GraphicsConfiguration gc gd.getDefaultConfiguration BufferedImage image gc.createCompatibleImage w h Graphics2D..

Blinking Tray Icon


gd ge.getDefaultScreenDevice GraphicsConfiguration gc gd.getDefaultConfiguration BufferedImage image gc.createCompatibleImage w h Graphics2D..