

java Programming Glossary: headertype

jackson delay deserializing field


String json ... Parse type HeaderType headerType mapper.readValue json HeaderType.class Retrieve class by integer.. class by integer value Class clazz classResolverMap.get headerType.getTypeToClassId Create dynamic type JavaType type mapper.getTypeFactory..

Trying to integrate Launch4j in a Maven project using Alakai plugin


phase goals goal launch4j goal goals configuration headerType gui headerType outfile target app gui.exe outfile jar target.. goal launch4j goal goals configuration headerType gui headerType outfile target app gui.exe outfile jar target artifactId version.. phase goals goal launch4j goal goals configuration headerType console headerType outfile target app cli.exe outfile jar..

Packaging Java apps for the Windows/Linux desktop


file launch4jConfig dontWrapJar true dontWrapJar headerType gui headerType jar rpgam.jar jar outfile rpgam.exe outfile errTitle.. launch4jConfig dontWrapJar true dontWrapJar headerType gui headerType jar rpgam.jar jar outfile rpgam.exe outfile errTitle errTitle..