

java Programming Glossary: height

Java: maintaining aspect ratio of JPanel background image


mention that I know the aspect ratio formula original height original width x new width new height However I do not know.. formula original height original width x new width new height However I do not know how to use that correctly to my advantage... the negative number the java docs say If either width or height is a negative number then a value is substituted to maintain..

Program not accessing method paintComponent() of extended JPanel class


add imagePanel setSize imageDimension.width imageDimension.height setResizable false setDefaultCloseOperation EXIT_ON_CLOSE setVisible.. byteArray imageDimension.width imageDimension.height imageLabel.setIcon new ImageIcon image private Image getGrayscaleImageFromArray.. Image getGrayscaleImageFromArray byte buffer int width int height ColorSpace cs ColorSpace.getInstance ColorSpace.CS_GRAY int..

Java Bouncing Ball


public void run int width getParent .getWidth int height getParent .getHeight Randomize the starting position... for.. ball getParent .getBalls int x random width int y random height Dimension size ball.getSize if x size.width width x width.. if x size.width width x width size.width if y size.height height y height size.height ball.setLocation new Point x..

Convert a JSON string to object in Java?


J2ME to convert a string such as name MyNode width 200 height 100 to an internal Object representation of the same in one.. p name MyNode setInteger p width 200 setInteger p height 100 Maybe a JSON library java json java me serialization .. JSONObject new JSONParser .parse name MyNode width 200 height 100 System.out.println name json.get name System.out.println..

JFormattedTextField is not properly cleared


private Digit digit private Image image private int width height public JDigit Digit digit this.digit digit this.image getImage.. g.setColor this.getBackground int dx1 w width height 4 int dx2 w dx1 g.fillRect dx1 0 dx2 dx1 h g.drawImage image.. dx1 0 dx2 dx1 h g.drawImage image dx1 0 dx2 h 0 0 width height null private Image getImage Digit digit BufferedImage bi new..

Can a progress bar be used in a class outside main?


to pane pane.add progressBar Position controls X Y width height progressBar.setBounds 10 10 280 20 Make frame visible progressFrame.setResizable..

Image resizing and displaying in a JPanel or a JLabel without loss of quality


ImgUtils public BufferedImage scaleImage int WIDTH int HEIGHT String filename BufferedImage bi null try ImageIcon ii new ImageIcon.. filename path to image bi new BufferedImage WIDTH HEIGHT BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB Graphics2D g2d Graphics2D bi.createGraphics.. g2d.drawImage ii.getImage 0 0 WIDTH HEIGHT null catch Exception e e.printStackTrace return null return..

Multiple bouncing balls thread issue


public class Container private static final int HEIGHT 500 private static final int WIDTH 500 private static final.. void draw Graphics g g.setColor COLOR g.fillRect 0 0 WIDTH HEIGHT java multithreading listener share improve this question.. public static class Container private static final int HEIGHT 500 private static final int WIDTH 500 private static final..

Open source Java library to produce webpage thumbnails server-side


static final int WIDTH 128 private static final int HEIGHT 128 private BufferedImage image new BufferedImage WIDTH HEIGHT.. 128 private BufferedImage image new BufferedImage WIDTH HEIGHT BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB public void capture Component component..

Java: how to do double-buffering in Swing?


static final int WIDTH 600 private static final int HEIGHT 400 int xs 3 int ys xs int x 0 int y 0 final int r 80 final.. WindowEvent e System.exit 0 frame.setSize WIDTH HEIGHT frame.pack frame.setVisible true public DemosDoubleBuffering.. final JLabel jl new JLabel bi1 new BufferedImage WIDTH HEIGHT BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB final Thread t new Thread new Runnable..

dragging a jlabel around the screen


public static final int WIDTH 680 public static final int HEIGHT 480 private static final int GRID_ROWS 8 private static final.. final Dimension LAYERED_PANE_SIZE new Dimension WIDTH HEIGHT private static final Dimension LABEL_SIZE new Dimension 60 40..

animation handling several cycle


private int xIncr yIncr static final int WIDTH 500 HEIGHT 500 Star Point location int x location.x int y location.y this.location..

Passing current Date


private int xIncr yIncr static final int WIDTH 500 HEIGHT 500 Star Point location int x location.x int y location.y this.location..

Layering multiple GlassPane's in a Root Container


private int xIncr yIncr static final int WIDTH 600 HEIGHT 600 Star Point location int x location.x int y location.y this.location..

How to change highlighting color in Java Swing TextArea? And also, change the beginning of text corresponding to the highlighting location


Color.yellow int y startIndex.y pane.getHeight 10 System.out.println Pane Height pane.getHeight System.out.println.. y startIndex.y pane.getHeight 10 System.out.println Pane Height pane.getHeight System.out.println X startIndex.x System.out.println.. pane.getHeight 10 System.out.println Pane Height pane.getHeight System.out.println X startIndex.x System.out.println Y y System.out.println..

Division in Java always results in zero (0)?


myCustomSharedPrefs Activity.MODE_PRIVATE String Height customSharedPreference.getString heightpref String Weight customSharedPreference.getString.. weight Integer.parseInt Weight int height Integer.parseInt Height Toast.makeText CalculationsActivity.this Height Weight Toast.LENGTH_LONG.. Height Toast.makeText CalculationsActivity.this Height Weight Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show int bmi weight height height..

Quality of Image after resize very low — Java


String sourceImg String destImg Integer Width Integer Height Integer whiteSpaceAmount BufferedImage origImage try origImage.. 0 BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB origImage.getType int fHeight Height int fWidth Width int whiteSpace Height whiteSpaceAmount.. BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB origImage.getType int fHeight Height int fWidth Width int whiteSpace Height whiteSpaceAmount Formatting..

Auto-generating toString Method


public String toString return String.format Name s Age d Height f name age height java automation tostring share improve..

Resize Vertical Tick Label Height (XYStepChart)


Vertical Tick Label Height XYStepChart I've got the following chart made with JFreeChart..

Collision Detection between two images in Java


two classes public class Player int X int Y int Width int Height Getters and Setters public class Enemy int X int Y int Width.. and Setters public class Enemy int X int Y int Width int Height Getters and Setters Your Player should have X Y Width and Height.. Getters and Setters Your Player should have X Y Width and Height variables. Your enemies should as well. In your game loop do..

access denied (java.net.SocketPermission connect,resolve)


id applet code SomeCode.class archive lib.jar Width 1 Height 1 applet The Java Applet has a method that looks similar to..

What is the difference between abstraction and encapsulation? [duplicate]


heightInFeet 72 public override string ToString return Height heightInFeet feet Number of Spots numberOfSpots private int..

Embed .swf file to my Jframe


for this player @param w Width of the player @param h Height of the player @param mainWindow reference to the main window.. int location i 5 mainWindow.getComponentContentPane .getHeight FlashPlayer temp new FlashPlayer location location mainWindow.. clone new FlashPlayer x y this.getWidth this.getHeight mainWindow clone.setTitleBarVisible this.isTitleBarRemoved ..

How to determine if binary tree is balanced?


code is trivial to write. Just follow the specification IsHeightBalanced tree return tree is empty or IsHeightBalanced tree.left.. IsHeightBalanced tree return tree is empty or IsHeightBalanced tree.left and IsHeightBalanced tree.right and abs Height.. return tree is empty or IsHeightBalanced tree.left and IsHeightBalanced tree.right and abs Height tree.left Height tree.right..

Drawing rectangle on a JPanel


wi 2.0f hi 2.0f g2.setClip e System.out.println Width wi Height hi g2.setClip r System.out.println g2.getClipBounds if shape.selectedcolor..