

java Programming Glossary: lengthy

accessing constants in JSP (without scriptlet)


get the sytax correct. Also to avoid repeating the rather lengthy tests above in multiple places I'd like to assign the result..

Level Order traversal of a generic tree(n-ary tree) in java


tree n ary tree in java In case you want to avoid the lengthy explanation all I am looking for is a level order traversal..

Slowness in Eclipse Juno (4.2)


are some known issues with UI performance in Juno. See the lengthy discussion at https bugs.eclipse.org bugs show_bug.cgi id 385272..

Text wrap in JOptionPane?


The width of the error dialog goes lengthy depending on the message. Is there any way to wrap the error..

WITH statement in Java


... to create a scope TypeOfFoo it foo foo could be any lengthy expression it.bar it.reset true myvar it.getName share improve..

Creating Java Web Service using Google AppEngine


I've searched but the articles are sparse and too lengthy while not providing any simple solutions. I'd love it if I can..

Populating child dropdownlists in JSP/Servlet


One caveat is however that this may become unnecessarily lengthy and expensive when you have a lot of items. Imagine that you..

On using Terracotta as a persistence solution


and doesn't want to be JTA compliant. There is a fairly lengthy discussion of transactions and some common misconceptions about..

How do I use an equivalent to C++ reference parameters in Java?


class and swap the values within the class. Here is a lengthy discussion on the issue http www.yoda.arachsys.com java passing.html..

Java Reflection: Getting fields and methods in declaration order


takes a quite big data structure as input and performs a lengthy calculation on it. To create unit tests we made a method that..

Bringing JFileChooser on top of all windows


yet none seem to do the trick while some other seem very lengthy and complicated for my current level. private void fileSearch..

Investigation of optimal sleep time calculation in game loop


as music software and games Thank you all for reading my lengthy question article. I hope some people might find my research..

Android Shared Service?


but was unable to find a solution. Secondly sorry for the lengthy question and please let me know of any error and I will be sure..

Connecting and printing to a printer in Java


How do I simulate a buffered peripheral device with SwingWorker?


once at the beginning and have the GUI enqueue lengthy methods on it using execute Runnable foo as follows this code..