

java Programming Glossary: lenient

validating a date using dateformat


format share improve this question It's by default lenient. You need to set it non lenient before parsing. ft.setLenient.. question It's by default lenient. You need to set it non lenient before parsing. ft.setLenient false This will result in a ParseException..

How do a send an HTTPS request through a proxy in Java?


everything as well as a hostname verifier that is equally lenient. This manager works just fine when I make my request directly..

How to sanity check a date in java


to have been substituted with not so obvious to use lenient calendar. So... How do you check that a date given as a combination..

What are the pros and cons of the leading Java HTML parsers?


Most parsers are to a certain degree forgiving and lenient with non wellformed HTML tagsoup like JTidy NekoHTML TagSoup..

How to round time to the nearest quarter hour in java?


for the last line only valid if the calendar is lenient calendar.set Calendar.MINUTE unroundedMinutes mod Improvements..

Best XML parser for Java [closed]


JPA Implementations - Which one is the best to use? [closed]


providers. Most importantly its query parser was much more lenient when interpreting JPA. They make it slightly difficult to get..

What is the use of “lenient ”?


is the use of &ldquo lenient &rdquo Here lenient is used in Java DateFormat i checked the.. is the use of &ldquo lenient &rdquo Here lenient is used in Java DateFormat i checked the doc. but didn't get... get. Can any body please tell me what is the use of this lenient with one real time example where we use it. java date share..

Fixing BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException on Spring proxy cast on a non-singleton bean?


time 1241634874841 areFieldsSet true areAllFieldsSet true lenient true zone sun.util.calendar.ZoneInfo id America New_York offset..