

java Programming Glossary: login.php

Can't post response from AsyncTask to MainActivity [closed]


HttpPost httppost new HttpPost http URL_HERE login.php try Add your data List NameValuePair nameValuePairs new ArrayList..

jsoup posting and cookie


index.php Document doc Jsoup.connect http www.example.com login.php .data username myUsername password myPassword .post I know I.. Connection.Response res Jsoup.connect http www.example.com login.php .data username myUsername password myPassword .method Method.POST..

Accept All Cookies via HttpClient


attribute trackallthethings . Path of origin mobile api login.php 11 26 10 33 57.593 WARN ResponseProcessCookies 271 Cookie rejected.. attribute trackallthethings . Path of origin mobile api login.php I am sure that my actual code is correct my app still logs in.. Illegal path attribute I am running a script at mobile api login.php whereas the cookie will return with a path of just for trackallthethings..

Problems with https (No peer certificate) in android


send https request to the site https fido EzPay login.php my own server and get response from it and save it for example.. http request final String url https fido EzPay login.php HttpPost httpPost new HttpPost url HttpResponse response httpClient.execute.. HttpGet httpget new HttpGet https fido EzPay login.php System.out.println executing request httpget.getRequestLine..