

java Programming Glossary: mymodel

Change background color of one cell in JTable [duplicate]


ModifiedCells extends JPanel public ModifiedCells final MyModel model new MyModel JTable table new JTable model table.setDefaultRenderer.. JPanel public ModifiedCells final MyModel model new MyModel JTable table new JTable model table.setDefaultRenderer String.class.. table value isSelected hasFocus row column MyModel model MyModel table.getModel if model.getState row c.setBackground..

How to make a JTable non-editable


use a TableModel . Define a class like this public class MyModel extends AbstractTableModel not necessary actually isCellEditable..

Using an empty column as a divider in a JTable


true public TablePanel TableModel dataModel new MyModel JTable table new JTable dataModel table.getColumnModel .getColumn.. table new JTable dataModel table.getColumnModel .getColumn MyModel.DIVIDER .setMaxWidth 0 JScrollPane jsp new JScrollPane table.. this.add jsp private static class MyModel extends AbstractTableModel private static final int DIVIDER..

Efficient way to do batch INSERTS with JDBC


Putting JComboBox into JTable


way is to implement your own TableModel public class MyModel extends AbstractTableModel List rows public int getRowCount..

problem formatting fields in a JTable - differences between Integer and Double


a JTable. Suppose I have the following model public class MyModel extends AbstractTableModel public Object types new Integer 0.. But if I have a Double instead of an Integer public class MyModel extends AbstractTableModel public Object types new Double 0.0..