

java Programming Glossary: onprogressupdate

BlackBerry class equivalent to AsyncTask?


result default implementation does nothing protected void onProgressUpdate Object values default implementation does nothing protected.. final void publishProgress final Object values call back onProgressUpdate on the UI thread UiApplication.getUiApplication .invokeLater.. .invokeLater new Runnable public void run onProgressUpdate values private void completeTask final Object result transmit..

How to use AsyncTask


a progressbar when downloading stuff protected void onProgressUpdate Integer... progress setProgressPercent progress 0 the onPostexecute..

How to execute web request in its own thread?


ex Log.e TAG ex.getMessage return results protected void onProgressUpdate Integer... progress TODO You are on the GUI thread and the..

Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog


You shouldn't do any UI tasks there. On the other hand the onProgressUpdate and onPreExecute run on the UI thread so there you can change.. mProgressDialog.show @Override protected void onProgressUpdate Integer... progress super.onProgressUpdate progress if we get.. protected void onProgressUpdate Integer... progress super.onProgressUpdate progress if we get here length is known now set indeterminate..

Can't create handler inside thread that has not called Looper.prepare() inside AsyncTask for ProgressDialog


AsyncTask was designed. You have to call show either in onProgressUpdate or in onPostExecute . For example class ExampleTask extends.. Show the dialog return Result @Override protected void onProgressUpdate String... values super.onProgressUpdate values connectionProgressDialog.dismiss.. protected void onProgressUpdate String... values super.onProgressUpdate values connectionProgressDialog.dismiss downloadSpinnerProgressDialog.show..

Android: How to run asynctask from different class file?


Downloader e.getMessage return null protected void onProgressUpdate String... progress Log.d ANDRO_ASYNC progress 0 mProgressDialog.setProgress.. Log.d Downloader e.getMessage return null protected void onProgressUpdate String... progress Log.d ANDRO_ASYNC progress 0 mProgressDialog.setProgress..

AsyncTask.executeOnExecutor() before API Level 11


param publishProgress rtnObj return null protected void onProgressUpdate Object... progress for Object rtnObj progress updateActivityUI..

Pass variables between renderer and another class with queueEvent()


drop out of the loop and update the UI protected void onProgressUpdate Void... progress update UI Then in renderer public class MyRenderer..