

java Programming Glossary: pbekeyspec

Encrypt Password in Configuration Files? (Java)


javax.crypto.SecretKeyFactory import javax.crypto.spec.PBEKeySpec import javax.crypto.spec.PBEParameterSpec import sun.misc.BASE64Decoder.. SecretKey key keyFactory.generateSecret new PBEKeySpec PASSWORD Cipher pbeCipher Cipher.getInstance PBEWithMD5AndDES.. SecretKey key keyFactory.generateSecret new PBEKeySpec PASSWORD Cipher pbeCipher Cipher.getInstance PBEWithMD5AndDES..

Handling passwords used for auth in source code


SecretKey key keyFactory.generateSecret new PBEKeySpec PASSWORD Cipher pbeCipher Cipher.getInstance PBEWithMD5AndDES.. SecretKey key keyFactory.generateSecret new PBEKeySpec PASSWORD Cipher pbeCipher Cipher.getInstance PBEWithMD5AndDES..

Password Verification with PBKDF2 in Java


PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1 KeySpec ks new PBEKeySpec password salt 1024 128 SecretKey s f.generateSecret ks Key k..

Suggestions for library to hash passwords in Java


salt new byte 16 random.nextBytes salt KeySpec spec new PBEKeySpec password .toCharArray salt 65536 128 SecretKeyFactory f SecretKeyFactory.getInstance..

Java passphrase encryption


KeySpec class so I'm not sure what algorithms can use the PBEKeySpec class I'm looking at. Furthermore the examples all seem a little..

How to encrypt and decrypt data in Java? [closed]


SecretKey tmp factory.generateSecret new PBEKeySpec passphrase.toCharArray salt iterations 128 SecretKeySpec key..

256bit AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding with Bouncy Castle


BC Construct AES key from salt and 50 iterations PBEKeySpec pbeEKeySpec new PBEKeySpec password.toCharArray toByte salt.. key from salt and 50 iterations PBEKeySpec pbeEKeySpec new PBEKeySpec password.toCharArray toByte salt 50 256 SecretKeyFactory keyFactory.. encString.substring 32 get raw key from password and salt PBEKeySpec pbeKeySpec new PBEKeySpec password.toCharArray toByte salt..

Given final block not properly padded


based encryption you should use a SecretKeyFactory and PBEKeySpec instead of using a SecureRandom with KeyGenerator. The reason..

PBKDF2 with bouncycastle in Java


PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1 KeySpec keyspec new PBEKeySpec password .toCharArray salt 1000 128 Key key factory.generateSecret.. PBEWITHHMACSHA1 BC KeySpec keyspecbc new PBEKeySpec password .toCharArray salt 1000 128 Key keybc factorybc.generateSecret..

Java 256-bit AES Password-Based Encryption


PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1 KeySpec spec new PBEKeySpec password salt 65536 256 SecretKey tmp factory.generateSecret..