

java Programming Glossary: pd

How to get font color using pdfbox


to get font color using pdfbox I am trying to extract text with all information from the.. I am trying to extract text with all information from the pdf using pdfbox. I got all the information i want except color... to extract text with all information from the pdf using pdfbox. I got all the information i want except color. I tried..

Android - Set ImageView to URL


extends Activity ImageView iv Bitmap image ProgressDialog pd @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate.. iv ImageView findViewById R.id.imageView1 pd new ProgressDialog this pd.setMessage Loading.. new TheTask.. findViewById R.id.imageView1 pd new ProgressDialog this pd.setMessage Loading.. new TheTask .execute class TheTask extends..

Inner class can access but not update values - AsyncTask


class can access but not update values AsyncTask I am trying to unzip a folder using Android's.. AsyncTask Void Integer Boolean private ProgressDialog pd null private Context mContext private String loc private int.. onPreExecute Log.v this.toString Inside onPreExecute. pd new ProgressDialog mContext pd.setTitle Unzipping folder. pd.setMessage..

Does Java bean's setter permit return this?


SimpleBean.class for PropertyDescriptor pd info.getPropertyDescriptors System.out.println pd.getName This.. pd info.getPropertyDescriptors System.out.println pd.getName This example creates a non visual bean and displays..

Finding the path to a jar from a Class inside it?


URL getLocation final Class cls final ProtectionDomain pd cls.getProtectionDomain final CodeSource cs pd.getCodeSource.. pd cls.getProtectionDomain final CodeSource cs pd.getCodeSource return cs.getLocation Not sure where it came from...

Http Servlet request lose params from POST body after read it once


Is there a way to read the parameters and NOT consume them PD I've found only this reference http restlet discuss.1400322.n2.nabble.com..

Best programming language and framework for cross platform desktop application development? [closed]


Well documented A lot of plugins libs for common tasks PDF CSV XLS basic sound mp3 ogg etc Reasonable ease of setup use.. Divide them into semi independent chunks like this PD problem domain the actual functionality you're trying to perform... of these chunks with interfaces that don't change so your PD chunk interacts with the DS chunk using the same interface regardless..

How to validate HTML from Java?


to validate HTML from Java I ™m looking for an open source PD class or set of classes that describes the various properties..