

java Programming Glossary: pen

How to print strings with line breaks in java


printerJob.setPrintService pss Book book new Book book.append new PrintBill new PageFormat printerJob.setPageable book try.. g2d.setPaint Color.black Point2D.Float pen new Point2D.Float AttributedCharacterIterator charIterator mStyledText.getIterator.. TextLayout layout measurer.nextLayout wrappingWidth pen.y layout.getAscent float dx layout.isLeftToRight 0 wrappingWidth..

Atomikos vs JOTM vs Bitronix vs? [closed]


Java Applications cover some of them with pros cons O pen S ource JTA Transaction Managers Re xmlblaster devel JTA compliance..

How to rotate an image gradually in Swing?


comp Graphics2D comp2D Graphics2D comp BasicStroke pen new BasicStroke 15.0F BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND..

Android UDP Communication


for UDP traffic on port 8752. My Android application opens a DatagramSocket on a random port and sends a packet to my..

Changing JPanel Graphics g color drawing line


to paint. and that i am trying to implement a change pen color however when i change the color everything currently drawn..

Painting in a BufferedImage inside Swing


1 oldX currentX oldY currentY System.out.println Using pen at currentX currentY private void jPanel2MousePressed java.awt.event.MouseEvent.. evt tool 1 System.out.println Using the pen tool. private void jRadioButton10ActionPerformed java.awt.event.ActionEvent.. 1 oldX currentX oldY currentY System.out.println Using pen at currentX currentY private void jPanel2MousePressed MouseEvent..