

java Programming Glossary: soundfile

sound will play in eclipse but not in exported jar file


new File currentDir music .list clip new Clip name.length soundFile new File name.length for int x 0 x name.length x System.out.println.. x System.out.println currentDir music name x try soundFile x new File currentDir music name x AudioInputStream sound AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream.. x AudioInputStream sound AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream soundFile x DataLine.Info info new DataLine.Info Clip.class sound.getFormat..

How to play .wav files with java


private final int BUFFER_SIZE 128000 private File soundFile private AudioInputStream audioStream private AudioFormat audioFormat.. playSound String filename String strFilename filename try soundFile new File strFilename catch Exception e e.printStackTrace System.exit.. 1 try audioStream AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream soundFile catch Exception e e.printStackTrace System.exit 1 audioFormat..

How to stop a music Clip in Java?


class Music implements LineListener Runnable private File soundFile private Thread thread private static Music player private Music.. file private void playSirenFile String musicFileName this.soundFile new File Music musicFileName .wav thread new Thread this thread.setName.. stream AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream this.soundFile AudioFormat format stream.getFormat we can't yet open the device..