

java Programming Glossary: sourcedir

JTextArea appending problems


Object String private JTextArea textArea private File sourceDir private File destDir public BackgroundWorker JTextArea textArea.. destDir public BackgroundWorker JTextArea textArea File sourceDir File destDir this.textArea textArea this.sourceDir sourceDir.. File sourceDir File destDir this.textArea textArea this.sourceDir sourceDir this.destDir destDirl @Override protected Object doInBackground..

adding non-code resources to jar file using Ant


myjar.jar fileset dir outputDir fileset dir sourceDir jar target The above works fine when I omit the includesfile.. myjar.jar fileset dir outputDir fileset dir sourceDir fileset file readthis.txt jar target I would also suggest that.. myjar.jar fileset dir outputDir fileset dir sourceDir fileset dir resourcesDir jar target with no hassle. This will..