

java Programming Glossary: springjunit4classrunner.class

Auto-wiring a List using util schema gives NoSuchBeanDefinitionException


beans of type String instead. My broken test is @RunWith SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class @ContextConfiguration public class ListInjectionTest @Autowired..

How to unit test a Spring MVC controller using @PathVariable?


easy way. You will be able to do things like this @RunWith SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class @WebAppConfiguration @ContextConfiguration servlet context.xml..

request scoped beans in spring testing


If I try to create one in a test like this @RunWith SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class @ContextConfiguration locations classpath spring TestScopedBeans.. spring package structure. So I changed my Test to @RunWith SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class @ContextConfiguration locations classpath spring TestScopedBeans..

Abstract DAO pattern and Spring's “Proxy cannot be cast to …” problem!


to PersonDaoImpl or OtherInterfaces such as @RunWith SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class @ContextConfiguration locations classpath app.xml @TransactionConfiguration..

rollback transaction when testing service with spring + hibernate + junit


altering database More INFOS This is my Test @RunWith SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class @ContextConfiguration locations classpath META INF spring.cfg.xml..

org.dbunit.dataset.NoSuchTableException: Did not find table 'xxx' in schema 'null'


loads the dataset. Here is my code @Transactional @RunWith SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class @ContextConfiguration locations classpath test applicationContext.xml..