

java Programming Glossary: tableswitch

Java: If vs. Switch


this question In bytecode there are two forms of switch tableswitch and lookupswitch . One assumes a dense set of keys the other..

Why does Java switch on ordinal ints appear to run faster with added cases?


various tests uses a switch table bytecode instruction tableswitch . However once the JIT starts its job and compiles the bytecode.. starts its job and compiles the bytecode into assembly the tableswitch instruction does not always result in an array of pointers sometimes.. cmp edx 0x5 0x00000000024f01ad jg 0x00000000024f0184 tableswitch javaapplication4.Test1 multiplyByPowerOfTen@1 line 56 0x00000000024f01af..

Java enum and additional class files


is then used to generate an index for a lookupswitch or tableswitch JVM instruction. It converts each enum value into a corresponding.. value 3 41 areturn 42 ldc #6 String other 44 areturn tableswitch is used if there are three or more switch cases as it performs..

Switch Statement with Strings in Java


value into a table of instruction pointers&mdash the tableswitch instruction. If the constants are sparse a binary search for.. of the case. The resulting ordinal is a natural fit for a tableswitch . Both instructions require the integer constants assigned to.. at compile time. At runtime while the O 1 performance of tableswitch generally appears better than the O log n performance of lookupswitch..