

java Programming Glossary: tagdir

What is the best way to create JSP layout template? [duplicate]


contentType text html pageEncoding UTF 8 @taglib prefix t tagdir WEB INF tags t genericpage jsp attribute name header h1 Welcome..

JSP tricks to make templating easier?


contentType text html pageEncoding UTF 8 @taglib prefix t tagdir WEB INF tags t wrapper h1 Welcome h1 t wrapper That does exactly.. contentType text html pageEncoding UTF 8 @taglib prefix t tagdir WEB INF tags t genericpage jsp attribute name header h1 Welcome.. User Page template pageEncoding UTF 8 @taglib prefix t tagdir WEB INF tags @attribute name userName required true t genericpage..

What's the difference between including files with JSP include directive, JSP include action and using JSP Tag Files?


And in another JSP page call it with @ taglib prefix t tagdir WEB INF tags t mytag h1 Hello World h1 t mytag So which method.. br And call it on another JSP with @ taglib prefix t tagdir WEB INF tags t product c forEach items cart.products var product..

JSP, can it work similar to yield, layout, content_for in Ruby/Rails/Erb


jsp doBody body html An individual JSP @ taglib prefix z tagdir WEB INF tags z layout pageTitle A simple page p Hello JSP p..