

java Programming Glossary: uptime

How many hardware details can a Java Applet Discover?


mode. getRuntimeMXBean returns RuntimeMXBean getUptime uptime of the Java virtual machine in milliseconds. getStartTime start..

Java VM: reproducable SIGSEGV on both 1.6.0_17 and 1.6.0_18, how to report?


on a workstation that regularly reaches months of uptime I only reboot it when critical security patches affecting my..

Execute a linux shell command with “sudo” using java, without entering the required password


sess conn.openSession sess.execCommand uname a date uptime who System.out.println Here is some information about the remote..

Query for system (not JVM) uptime in Java


for system not JVM uptime in Java Is there a OS neutral method of querying for system.. for system not JVM I am aware of RuntimeMXBean.getUptime uptime in JavaSE 6 Thanks java operating system monitoring jmx share.. Yes and no. There are system specific ways of querying uptime e.g. uptime on nix There are ways to detect the operating system..