

java Programming Glossary: urn

Xpath transformation not working in java


that particular element. samlp AuthnRequest xmlns samlp urn oasis names tc SAML 2.0 protocol Version 2.0 IssueInstant 2012.. 2.0 IssueInstant 2012 05 22T13 40 52 390 ProtocolBinding urn oasis na mes tc SAML 2.0 bindings HTTP POST AssertionConsumerServiceURL.. xyz UserID testing text testing saml Issuer xmlns saml urn oasis names tc SAML 2.0 assertion http localhost 8080 saml SProvider.jsp..

Using application's Log4J configuration under JBoss 7.1.1


of module.xml xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 module xmlns urn jboss module 1.0 name com.company.mylog resources resource root.. testing i used static path home gyani log4j.properties return logger Step 4 Here is log4j.properties log4j.rootLogger info..

Best regex to catch XSS (Cross-site Scripting) attack (in Java)?


and Hotmail on IE6 7 8 HTML BODY xml namespace prefix t ns urn schemas microsoft com time import namespace t implementation.. hacked html and it won't match it in which case it'll return the hacked html string as it won't match anything to replace... CleanResults cleanResults antiSamy.scan html policy return cleanResults.getCleanHTML .trim share improve this answer..

JAX-WS client : what's the correct path to access the local WSDL?


new QName http soaservice.eci.ibm.com SOAService @return returns SOAServiceSoap @WebEndpoint name SOAServiceSOAP public.. QName http soaservice.eci.ibm.com SOAService @return returns SOAServiceSoap @WebEndpoint name SOAServiceSOAP public SOAServiceSoap.. SOAServiceSOAP public SOAServiceSoap getSOAServiceSOAP return super.getPort new QName http soaservice.eci.ibm.com SOAServiceSOAP..

Generate/get xpath from XML node java


xmlns xsl 'http www.w3.org 1999 XSL Transform' xmlns msxsl urn schemas microsoft com xslt xsl output method text xsl variable..

Map Two Identical tables ( same schema…) to same entity in Hibernate


using new entity names like this hibernate mapping xmlns urn nhibernate mapping 2.2 class name DomainModel.Order DomainModel..

XMPP with Java Asmack library supporting X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM


this authenticate @Override protected String getName return NAME @Override public void challengeReceived String challenge.. 2 map.put fields 0 fields.length 1 fields 1 null return map private String md5 String text throws NoSuchAlgorithmException.. MD5 md.update text.getBytes utf 8 0 text.length return convertToHex md.digest private String convertToHex byte data..

XML shredding via XSLT in Java


xmlns xsl http www.w3.org 1999 XSL Transform xmlns msxsl urn schemas microsoft com xslt exclude result prefixes msxsl xsl..

parse google geocode with xstream


Toronto ON Canada address AddressDetails Accuracy 8 xmlns urn oasis names tc ciq xsdschema xAL 2.0 Country CountryNameCode..