

java Programming Glossary: useragent

How can I get client infomation such as OS and browser


header. You can get it like this in JSP or Servlet String userAgent request.getHeader User Agent The header looks like this User..

How Do I fix the password/ username authentication in my code?


service v1 q ibm 20revenue ui.theme dark uuid PADACT 002 userAgent iphone private final static String URL https www.google.com.. v1 q ibm 20revenue ui.theme novadark uuid PADACT 002 userAgent iphone private final static String REALM Users Only public void..

How to download videos from youtube on java?


YouTube#Quality_and_codecs String encoding UTF 8 String userAgent Mozilla 5.0 Windows U Windows NT 6.1 en US rv Gecko.. extension getExtension format play videoId format encoding userAgent outputDir extension catch Throwable t t.printStackTrace log.fine.. void play String videoId int format String encoding String userAgent File outputdir String extension throws Throwable log.fine Retrieving..

How to POST data to server in JSON format


in android.. JSON string... clientId ID 1234 1234 device userAgent myUA capabilities sms true data true gps true keyValue Key2.. DEVCkey2 val2 deviceJObject.put userAgent MYUserAgent deviceJObject.put capabilities capabilityJObject..

Java servlet download filename special characters


for me. String fileName árvíztűr tükörfúrógép.xls String userAgent request.getHeader user agent boolean isInternetExplorer userAgent.indexOf.. request.getHeader user agent boolean isInternetExplorer userAgent.indexOf MSIE 1 try byte fileNameBytes fileName.getBytes isInternetExplorer..