

java Programming Glossary: x.equals

When comparing two Integers in Java does auto-unboxing occur?


equal. Personally I'd use if x.intValue y.intValue or if x.equals y The latter is slightly less efficient there isn't an overload..

whats the difference between “.equals and ==”


What is null in Java?


equals Object obj For any non null reference value x x.equals null should return false . It is also the default value for..

Test for floating point equality. (FE_FLOATING_POINT_EQUALITY)


recommended but not strictly required that x.compareTo y 0 x.equals y . Generally speaking any class that implements the Comparable.. recommended that wherever x.compareTo y returns zero x.equals y should be true . In your code you have implemented compareTo..

Any reason to prefer getClass() over instanceof when generating .equals()?


final will preserve the symmetry contract of the method x.equals y y.equals x . If final seems restrictive carefully examine..

JUnit theory for hashCode/equals contract


class ObjectTest For any non null reference value x x.equals x should return true @Theory public void equalsIsReflexive Object.. Object x assumeThat x is not equalTo null assertThat x.equals x is true For any non null reference values x and y x.equals.. x is true For any non null reference values x and y x.equals y should return true if and only if y.equals x returns true...

Why are these == but not `equals()`?


1 results.add Y 9000 2 results.add X y 3 results.add X.equals x 4 results.add X.equals Y 5 results.add X.equals y 6 System.out.println.. 2 results.add X y 3 results.add X.equals x 4 results.add X.equals Y 5 results.add X.equals y 6 System.out.println results outputs.. X.equals x 4 results.add X.equals Y 5 results.add X.equals y 6 System.out.println results outputs maybe you should make..