

java Programming Glossary: x509certificate

Validating a certificate in java throws an exception - unable to find valid certificate path to requested target


CertificateFactory cf CertificateFactory.getInstance X.509 X509Certificate cert null while fin1.available 0 System.out.println in while.. while fin1.available 0 System.out.println in while cert X509Certificate cf.generateCertificate fin1 target.setCertificate cert PKIXBuilderParameters.. the PKIX algorithm you should get to something like this X509Certificate certToVerify ... CertificateFactory cf CertificateFactory.getInstance..

How to verify a jar signed with jarsigner programmatically


to your problem. Specifically check out the verify X509Certificate targetCert method in the sample code MyJCE.java . share improve..

How to handle invalid SSL certificates with Apache HttpClient?


import java.security.cert.X509Certificate import javax.net.ssl.HostnameVerifier import javax.net.ssl.HttpsURLConnection.. X509TrustManager @Override public void checkClientTrusted X509Certificate arg0 String arg1 throws CertificateException @Override public.. @Override public void checkServerTrusted X509Certificate arg0 String arg1 throws CertificateException @Override public..

Trusting all certificates using HttpClient over HTTPS


import java.security.cert.X509Certificate import javax.net.ssl.SSLContext import javax.net.ssl.TrustManager.. tm new X509TrustManager public void checkClientTrusted X509Certificate chain String authType throws CertificateException public void.. CertificateException public void checkServerTrusted X509Certificate chain String authType throws CertificateException public X509Certificate..

How to ignore SSL certificate errors in Apache HttpClient 4.0


null new TrustManager new X509TrustManager public X509Certificate getAcceptedIssuers System.out.println getAcceptedIssuers .. return null public void checkClientTrusted X509Certificate certs String authType System.out.println checkClientTrusted.. checkClientTrusted public void checkServerTrusted X509Certificate certs String authType System.out.println checkServerTrusted..

How to extract CN from X509Certificate in Java?


to extract CN from X509Certificate in Java I am using a SslServerSocket and client certificates.. to extract the CN from the SubjectDN from the client's X509Certificate . At the moment I call cert.getSubjectX500Principal .getName.. API. You'll need both bcmail and bcprov distributions. X509Certificate cert ... X500Name x500name new JcaX509CertificateHolder cert..

Java client certificates over HTTPS/SSL


java.security.SecureRandom import java.security.cert.X509Certificate public static void disableCertificateValidation Create a trust.. trustAllCerts new TrustManager new X509TrustManager public X509Certificate getAcceptedIssuers return new X509Certificate 0 public void.. public X509Certificate getAcceptedIssuers return new X509Certificate 0 public void checkClientTrusted X509Certificate certs String..