

javascript Programming Glossary: affect

JavaScript for detecting browser language preference


problem here is that the browser settings don't actually affect the navigator.language property that is obtained via javascript... property that is obtained via javascript. What they do affect is the HTTP 'Accept Language' header but it appears this value..

ENTER key on a FORM with a single Input Field, will automatically SUBMIT with GET


Can I use multiple versions of jQuery on the same page?


the context of our code that will not interfere with or affect any code on the customer's page Ideally maybe we could check..

Most efficient method of detecting/monitoring DOM changes?


method. In particular I need to detect changes that would affect the text on a page so any new removed or modified elements or..

Is it possible to use javascript to change the meta-tags of the page?


was answered. Still there are very few meta tags that will affect the broweser when changed during runtime. share improve this..

iPad Web App: Detect Virtual Keyboard Using JavaScript in Safari?


focus. In my experiments the keyboard also did not affect the height or scrollheight of any of the DOM elements and I..

Setting CSS pseudo-class rules from JavaScript


hover background red assuming each element you want to affect has a unique ID to allow it to be selected. In theory the document..

Changing an element's ID with jQuery


or other effects Obviously I don't want to show hide or affect the element every time just to change its ID. Yep I'm a jQuery..

How do I get jQuery to select elements with a . (period) in their ID?


but there will be other dynamic elements on the page that affect the list. The following is what I have so far and it does not..

Get Client IP using just Javascript?


JSlint error 'Don't make functions within a loop.' leads to question about Javascript itself


suggestion to move the function out of the loop actually affect the efficiency of the code javascript jslint share improve..

What it the significance of the Javascript constructor property?


property set 'correctly' ”as I can't see it having any affect on which constructor is actually called after an object is created...

Why is using “for…in” with array iteration such a bad idea?


JavaScript libraries might do things like this which will affect any array you create Somewhere deep in your JavaScript library.....

Is JavaScript a pass-by-reference or pass-by-value language?


the parameter itself as with num and obj2 that won't affect the item that was fed into the parameter. But if you change..

Sort JavaScript array of Objects based on one of the object's properties


use localeCompare instead if you don't want diacritics to affect the sorting like this arr.sort function a b var lccomp a.name.toLowerCase..

.prop() vs .attr()


the prop as a CSSStyleDeclaration Why And how does that affect my coding in the future javascript jquery dom attr prop share..

Copying array by value in javascript


Does use of anonymous functions affect performance?


use of anonymous functions affect performance I've been wondering is there a performance difference..