

javascript Programming Glossary: ajax.updater

a better way to do ajax in django


don't sweat the details 1 JS function using prototype's Ajax.Updater 'tablediv' being the id of the table i wanted to update Ajaxily.. to the proper django view function updateTable new Ajax.Updater 'tablediv' url params params....etc 2 django view that got new..

Preventing AJAX memory leaks


text javascript someButton .observe 'click' function new Ajax.Updater 'ajaxResponseTarget' someUrl onSuccess function '#ajaxResponseTarget.. ... someButton .observe 'click' function new Ajax.Updater 'ajaxResponseTarget' someUrl script Because of the way DOM events..

How to Force Javascript to Execute within HTML Response to Ajax Request


is evalScripts true Note that you should be using Ajax.Updater not Ajax.Request See http www.prototypejs.org api ajax updater.. javascript text x ecmascript or text x javascript Whereas Ajax.Updater will process JS is evalScripts true is set. Ajax.Request is..

submit a form via Ajax using prototype and update a result div


div I tried to attach a javascript function which uses Ajax.Updater to onsubmit on the form and onclick on the input but the form..

converting from prototype to jquery


the prototype versions. script function getMessages new Ajax.Updater 'chat' 'messages.php' onSuccess function window.setTimeout getMessages.. 3000 getMessages script script function addmessage new Ajax.Updater 'chat' 'add.php' method 'post' parameters 'chatmessage' .serialize..