

javascript Programming Glossary: all.js

Facebook: Unsafe JavaScript issue (document.domain values should be same)


this single line script src connect.facebook.net en_US all.js script EDIT About your first issue The page at about blank displayed..

facebook javascript sdk fb_xd_fragment?


single line script src http connect.facebook.net en_US all.js script Then I added the channelUrl line so the final result.. document.location.protocol ' connect.facebook.net en_US all.js' e.async true document.getElementById 'fb root' .appendChild..

Facebook Javascript SDK Problem: “FB is not defined”


id fb root div script src http connect.facebook.net en_US all.js script script FB.init appId 'YOUR APP ID' status true check..

How does paging in facebook javascript API works?


type text javascript src http connect.facebook.net en_US all.js script script type text javascript src https raw.github.com.. type text javascript src http connect.facebook.net en_US all.js script script type text javascript src https raw.github.com.. type text javascript src http connect.facebook.net en_US all.js script script type text javascript src https raw.github.com..

Is there a way to detect if the Facebook Javascript SDK loaded successfully?


document.location.protocol ' connect.facebook.net en_US all.js' document.getElementById 'fb root' .appendChild e script javascript.. js.id id js.async true js.src connect.facebook.net en_US all.js ref.parentNode.insertBefore js ref document script This code.. js.id id js.async true js.src connect.facebook.net en_US all.js ref.parentNode.insertBefore js ref document script a href #..

Facebook connect showing blank popup on login in Internet explorer 8


Facebook: Get user's Facebook UID with Javascript


page and load script src http connect.facebook.net en_US all.js script The user profile picure can be accessed as http graph.facebook.com..

Retrieve Access Token Using Javascript API


id fb root div script src https connect.facebook.net en_US all.js type text javascript script script src https ajax.googleapis.com..

Facebook how to check if user has liked page and show content?


id fb root div script src http connect.facebook.net en_US all.js script script FB.init appId 'YOUR APP ID' status true cookie..

How to get User info using JS SDK after they login with Facebook


in my header script src http connect.facebook.net en_US all.js script Then I have the FB login button code like this div id.. id fb root div script src http connect.facebook.net en_US all.js#appId myAppId amp xfbml 1 script fb login button show faces.. end body tag script src http connect.facebook.net en_US all.js script script FB.init appId 'myAppId' status true check login..

How can I dynamically create a tweet button?


FB.XFBML.parse comes from http connect.facebook.net en_US all.js When I create the Tweet button statically inside a .html file..

FB.getLoginStatus() called before calling FB.init() error in console


Try removing your script src connect.facebook.net en_US all.js script and updating your JS to div id fb root div script window.fbAsyncInit.. js.id id js.async true js.src connect.facebook.net en_US all.js d.getElementsByTagName 'head' 0 .appendChild js document script..

Having issue with Firefox 8 for Mac: window.name is undefined


issue is being pointed out in the beginning of Facebook's all.js file with the message saying window.name is undefined if window.FB.. window.FB _apiKey null ...return document.getElementById a all.js line 3 Hence any subsequent accesses to the SDK using FB. results.. js.id id js.async true js.src connect.facebook.net en_US all.js d.getElementsByTagName 'head' 0 .appendChild js document script..