

javascript Programming Glossary: all_urls

Open a new Google Chrome tab and get the source


DOMtoString document Don't forget to add the http https or all_urls permission so that you can read DOM from any page. Related documentation..

Chrome extension adding external javascript to current page's html


background_page background.html content_scripts matches all_urls js contentScript.js for now contentScript.js var _gaq _gaq.. permissions tabs http https content_scripts matches all_urls js ga config.js ga.js js15_as.js In ga config.js define the.. 2 permissions tabs http https content_scripts matches all_urls js activate ga.js web_accessible_resources ga.js The same method..

popup window in Chrome extension


background.js persistent false content_scripts matches all_urls js open dialog.js background.js Handle requests for passwords..

Content-Security-Policy error in google chrome extension making


its icon when clicked. version 1.1 permissions tabs all_urls browser_action default_title links optional shown in tooltip.. default_popup popup.html optional content_scripts matches all_urls js background.js manifest_version 2 popup.html doctype html..

Web Page Source Annotation Tool


version 1 manifest_version 2 content_scripts matches all_urls js myscript.js all_frames true permissions contextMenus.. js myscript.js all_frames true permissions contextMenus all_urls tabs background scripts background.js icons 16 screen.png.. version 1 manifest_version 2 content_scripts matches all_urls css myscript.css js jquery.js myscript.js all_frames..

Showing context menu buttons only when right-clicked on classes that start with “Story”


run_at document_idle js contentscript.js matches all_urls permissions contextMenus background.js The background page..

Why will jQuery not load in Facebook?


in the manifest.json file content_scripts matches all_urls js javascript jq jquery 1.9.1.min.js javascript..

Options-enabled content-script Chrome extension without background page?


dont include sensitvie data. content_scripts matches all_urls js myscript.js run_at document_idle permissions tabs all_urls.. js myscript.js run_at document_idle permissions tabs all_urls manifest_version 2 web_accessible_resources gimmeSettings.html..