

javascript Programming Glossary: apis

Authorization of Google Drive using JavaScript


Has anyone tried this in JS for Drive or other Google APIs Does anyone know the best route for debugging such a problem.. improve this question It is possible to use the Google APIs Javascript client library with Drive but you have to be aware..

Can a site invoke a browser extension?


turned around I write an extension that provides a set of APIs and web sites that want to use my extension can detect its presence.. new extension called BeautifierExtension. It has a set of APIs as JS objects. User goes to reddit.com. Reddit.com detects BeautifierExtension..

Detect element content changes with jQuery


These are mutation events . I have not used mutation event APIs in jQuery but a cursory search led me to this project on GitHub...

Javascript Load Order


rel stylesheet type text css href style.css link Google APIs script type text javascript src http www.google.com jsapi key..

How Does Appcelerator Titanium Mobile Work?


are resolved based on your applications uses of Titanium APIs. From this symbol hierarchy we can build a symbol dependency.. underlying Titanium library symbols to understand which APIs and related dependencies frameworks etc specifically your app..

HTML5 for desktop application development? [closed]


AppJS uses Chromium at the core so you get latest HTML 5 APIs working. So relax and focus on the task your application should..

How to get image size (height & width) using JavaScript?


width using JavaScript Are there any JavaScript or jQuery APIs or methods to get the dimensions of an image on the page javascript..

create a file using javascript in chrome on client side


improve this question Sure you can using the brand new APIs http jsfiddle.net 4D92b 88 . window.requestFileSystem window.requestFileSystem..

C++, C# and JavaScript on WinRT [closed]


namespace is not available. Provides some standard JS APIs specified by HTML5 in addition to the available surface of WinRT.. and await keywords which are used heavily when using WinRT APIs due to their highly asynchronous design. Generally speaking.. may or may not be readily reusable depending on which APIs they use those that relies strictly on Standard C C will usually..

Can I load an entire HTML document into a document fragment in Internet Explorer?


the remote page be executed for security reasons . DOM APIs such as getElementsByTagName need to be available. It only needs..

Can scrapy be used to scrape dynamic content from websites that are using AJAX?


is simply a odds comparison engine. Some sites have APIs but I need this for those that don't. I'm using the scrapy library..

Building a Chrome Extension - Inject code in a page using a Content script


itself. When you have to want to use one of the chrome. APIs in the script you have to implement a special event handler.. message . Otherwise if you don't have to use chrome. APIs I strongly recommend to inject all of your JS code in the page..

Blob from DataURL?


a Data URL back into a Blob instance using builtin browser apis javascript fileapi share improve this question If you want..

What are advantages of using google.load('jQuery', …) vs direct inclusion of hosted script URL?


some popular JavaScript libraries at http code.google.com apis ajaxlibs According to google The most powerful way to load the.. 1.2.6 vs. script type text javascript src http ajax.googleapis.com ajax libs jquery 1.2.6 jquery.min.js script javascript..

How can I create numbered map markers in Google Maps V3?


none of these attributes seem to help http code.google.com apis maps documentation v3 reference.html#MarkerOptions javascript.. Chart API . For example Numbered marker http chart.apis.google.com chart chst d_map_pin_letter chld 7 FF0000 000000.. chld 7 FF0000 000000 Text marker http chart.apis.google.com chart chst d_map_spin chld 1 0 FF0000 12 _ foo This..

onKeyPress event not working in Firefox


with different browsers. To catch all different keypress apis like the link from Emmett shows can be very difficult. Example..

Possible to find out whether a user is logged into facebook over javascript API?


that are not documented or implemented in higher level apis. My questions are Can I somehow find out if a user is logged..

How to change tooltip text for google chart api?


tooltip text for google chart api http code.google.com apis chart script type text javascript src https www.google.com jsapi..

Google Maps API and KML File LocalHost Development Options


the methods you care about based on http code.google.com apis maps documentation javascript reference.html#KmlLayer MyProject.KmlLayer.prototype.setMap..

Adding event to element inside Google Maps API InfoWindow


being pointed to a node. http code.google.com intl sv SE apis maps documentation javascript reference.html#InfoWindow share..

How can I get city name from a latitude and longitude point?


Geocoding Documentation from Google http code.google.com apis maps documentation geocoding #ReverseGeocoding . Sample Call.. Call to Google's geocode Web Service http maps.googleapis.com maps api geocode json latlng 40.714224 73.961452 sensor..

Easiest way to get city name using geolocation?


my site. I don't know how to go from this http maps.googleapis.com maps api geocode json latlng ' lat ' ' long ' sensor true.. response types can be found here http code.google.com apis maps documentation javascript services.html#GeocodingAddressTypes.. and here http code.google.com apis maps documentation javascript services.html#ReverseGeocoding..

Can Google Maps/Places 'autocomplete' API be used via AJAX?


seem to want to accept the XHR. .getJSON https maps.googleapis.com maps api place autocomplete json input input.term sensor.. in the console XMLHttpRequest cannot load https maps.googleapis.com maps api place autocomplete json input At sensor false types.. be shut down on the server side. http code.google.com apis maps documentation places autocomplete.html javascript jquery..

How to make a browser to browser (peer to peer) connection? [closed]


now Oct. 2011 see updates below https labs.ericsson.com apis web real time communication https labs.ericsson.com developer..

How to detect when a youtube video finishes playing?


be a way to detect when a video ends http code.google.com apis youtube js_api_reference.html but I can't embed the videos like..

Google maps Places API V3 autocomplete - select first option on enter


on my input box as per http code.google.com intl sk SK apis maps documentation javascript places.html#places_autocomplete..

How to authenticate with Google via OAuth 2.0 in a popup?


blog 2012 04 authentication and authorization for google apis in javascript popup window tutorial.html Hope you will find..

AngularJS with Django - Conflicting template tags


For Angular 1.0 you should use the interpolateProvider apis to configure the interpolation symbols http docs.angularjs.org..

Google Map get 10 closest Points of all Markers on a Map


Google's geometry library http code.google.com intl pl PL apis maps documentation javascript geometry.html and its function..

YouTube API Target (multiple) existing iframe(s)


but explains that it IS possible here http code.google.com apis youtube iframe_api_reference.html Here is an example of what..

Verify if a point is Land or Water in Google Maps


. See more at this link http code.google.com apis maps documentation geocoding #Types . Also you need to check.. and current zoom from client. Send http maps.googleapis.com maps api staticmap center latitude longitude zoom current..