

javascript Programming Glossary: boundfunction

Why is bind slower than a closure?


new TypeError 'Bind must be called on a function' var boundFunction function Poison .arguments and .caller but is otherwise not.. bound data. if _IsConstructCall return NewObjectFromBound boundFunction var bindings BoundFunctionGetBindings boundFunction var argc.. boundFunction var bindings BoundFunctionGetBindings boundFunction var argc _ArgumentsLength if argc 0 return Apply bindings 0..

How to access the correct `this` / context inside a callback?


function MyConstructor data transport this.data data var boundFunction function parenthesis are not necessary alert this.data but.. this here we are calling `.bind ` transport.on 'data' boundFunction In this case we are binding the callback's this to the value..

Why is Function.prototype.bind slow?


arrays. In the V8 source code this check appears inside boundFunction as if _IsConstructCall return NewObjectFromBound boundFunction.. as if _IsConstructCall return NewObjectFromBound boundFunction Plaintext link to v8natives.js for when Google Code Search dies...