

javascript Programming Glossary: bounds.extend

Google Map API v3 ??set bounds and center


Then for each marker extend your bounds object bounds.extend myLatLng map.fitBounds bounds API google.maps.LatLngBounds ..

Google Maps v3 - Automating Zoom Level?


map.setCenter results 0 .geometry.location bounds.extend results 0 .geometry.location var marker new google.maps.Marker.. bounds with each point for var i 0 i points.length i bounds.extend points i new google.maps.Marker position points i map map Apply..

Open infoWindow of specific marker from outside Google Maps (V3)


i .getAttribute lng var html b company b br address bounds.extend point var marker new google.maps.Marker map map position point.. i .getAttribute lng var html b company b br address bounds.extend point var marker new google.maps.Marker map map position point.. i .getAttribute lng var html b company b br address bounds.extend point var marker new google.maps.Marker map map position point..

not able to set multiple markers on the goole maps using google map javascript api v3


position places i map map title 'place Number' i bounds.extend places i map.fitBounds bounds script javascript google maps.. position places i map map title 'place Number' i bounds.extend places i map.fitBounds bounds script share improve this answer..

Google Maps - Multiple markers - 1 InfoWindow problem


contentString infowindow.open map this bounds.extend myLatlngMarker map.fitBounds bounds Can anyone see what am..