

javascript Programming Glossary: browser_action

Chrome extension adding external javascript to current page's html


2 description The Website Safety Extension. browser_action name View the website information for default_icon icon.png..

Content-Security-Policy error in google chrome extension making


icon when clicked. version 1.1 permissions tabs all_urls browser_action default_title links optional shown in tooltip default_popup..

chrome extension insert content script on browser action


is and the script does not work I have manifest.json browser_action default_icon images icon.gif default_popup popup.html manifest_version..

Chrome extension: Communication between content script and background.html


onclick testRequest form body html manifest.json browser_action default_icon icon.png popup popup.html background page background.html..

Chrome Extension: Port error: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist.


tabs http https background scripts background.js browser_action default_title InstantWatch default_icon icon.ico content_scripts..

Console shows error about Content Security policy and lots of failed GET requests


logo_changer logo_change.js run_at document_start browser_action default_icon img icon.png default_popup popup.html default_title..

Web Page Source Annotation Tool


Page Capture MHTML Functionality permissions pageCapture browser_action default_icon screen.png default_popup popup.html manifest_version..

The Chrome extension popup is not working, click events are not handled


1.0 description My Facebook Profile manifest_version 2 browser_action default_icon google plus red 128.png default_popup hello.html..

Closing popup window created by Google Chrome extension


Delicious background_page background.html permissions tabs browser_action default_icon delicious.png content_scripts matches http www.delicious.com..

How to inject CSS into webpage through Chrome extension?


icon48.png 128 icon128.png background_page background.html browser_action default_icon icon19.png content_scripts matches http test website.com..

Cross-Origin XMLHttpRequest in chrome extensions


http https https www.google.com http www.google.com browser_action default_icon clock 19.png default_title This is title default_popup..