

javascript Programming Glossary: innertext

setting innerHTML with a script inside


var script document.createElement 'script' script script.innerText undefined textContent innerText 'alert 1 ' document.documentElement.appendChild.. 'script' script script.innerText undefined textContent innerText 'alert 1 ' document.documentElement.appendChild script Here.. with documentElement.appendChild and use textContent or innerText to set the content of the script . share improve this answer..

HTML-encoding in JavaScript/jQuery


to the document. On the htmlEncode function I set the innerText of the element and retrieve the encoded innerHTML on the htmlDecode.. function I set the innerHTML value of the element and the innerText is retrieved. Check a running example here . share improve..

Why is document.getElementById('tableId').innerHTML not working in IE8?


THEAD TITLE TR . emphasis mine Colin's work around setting innerText on the td instead of innerHTML on the tr is a good one in your..

How to get the number of lines in a textarea?


and or newline character at the end of the string or the innerText property of a textarea in IE9 but it will count it in Chrome..

innerText/textContent vs. retrieving each text node [duplicate]


textContent vs. retrieving each text node duplicate This question.. duplicate This question already has an answer here 'innerText' works in IE but not in Firefox 12 answers I've heard.. not in Firefox 12 answers I've heard that using el.innerText el.textContent can yield unreliable results and that's why I've..

JavaScript HERE-doc or other large-quoting mechanism?


his templating mechanism. You can get at the contents with innerText or innerHTML as appropriate or through the services of your..

Sanitize/Rewrite HTML on the Client Side


create an element and assign innerHTML and then get the innerText or textContent and then escape entities in that. Do not do that...

JavaScript URL encode


the innerHTML property. The solution is to get the innerText textContent property value instead var str el document.getElementById.. el.textContent else str encodeURIComponent el.innerText If that isn't the case you can use the replace method to replace..

How do i unescape HTML Entities in JS? (change &lt; to <)


question Create a div set it's innerHTML and then read innerText var d document.createElement div d.innerHTML lt html xmlns quot..

jQuery - How to get all styles/css (defined within internal/external document) with HTML of an element


If this is my HTML div id divId span class someClass Some innerText span div And styles are defined in separate style sheet or in.. color blue style div id divId span class someClass Some innerText span div UPDATE 3 for Answer by kirilloid I ran below code in..

JavaScript: How to strip HTML tags from string? [duplicate]


correctly. textContent the DOM standard property and innerText non standard properties are not identical . For example textContent.. will include text within a script element while innerText will not in most browsers . The HTML does not contain script..

InnerText alternative in mozilla


alternative in mozilla Does any one know innerText alternative of a span in mozilla My span is span id 'cell1'.. and the javascript is document.getElementById 'cell1' .innerText 'Tenelol' But Mozilla is not supporting this javascript innertext..

Difference between val() and text()


of the input element regardless of type. .text gets the innerText not HTML of all the matched elements .text The result is a string..

When should I use a javascript framework library?


parent.parentNode if parent null return else return parent.innerText parent.textContent If you're familiar with Javascript a lot.. this should be familiar to you things like the check for innerText or textContent Firefox 1.5 and so on. Pure Javascript is littered..