

javascript Programming Glossary: keynum

js: how to find out what character key is pressed?


script type text javascript function myKeyPress e var keynum if window.event IE keynum e.keyCode else if e.which Netscape.. function myKeyPress e var keynum if window.event IE keynum e.keyCode else if e.which Netscape Firefox Opera keynum e.which.. keynum e.keyCode else if e.which Netscape Firefox Opera keynum e.which alert String.fromCharCode keynum script form input..

Keyboard up and down arrows


else if e.which return e.which Netscape Firefox Opera var keynum getKey e if keynum UP Move selection up if keynum DOWN Move.. e.which Netscape Firefox Opera var keynum getKey e if keynum UP Move selection up if keynum DOWN Move selection down if keynum.. var keynum getKey e if keynum UP Move selection up if keynum DOWN Move selection down if keynum ENTER Act on current selection..

How to tell if a string contains a certain character in javascript?


Limiting number of lines in textarea


title Test title head body script type text javascript var keynum lines 1 function limitLines obj e IE if window.event keynum.. lines 1 function limitLines obj e IE if window.event keynum e.keyCode Netscape Firefox Opera else if e.which keynum e.which.. keynum e.keyCode Netscape Firefox Opera else if e.which keynum e.which if keynum 13 if lines obj.rows return false else lines..