

javascript Programming Glossary: myobjects

THREE.js Ray Intersect fails by adding div


.normalize var intersects ray.intersectObjects myObjects true Any ideas on how I can solve this. EDIT it is now THREE.Raycaster..

Does use of anonymous functions affect performance?


and anonymous functions in Javascript for var i 0 i 1000 i myObjects i .onMyEvent function do something vs function myEventHandler.. function myEventHandler do something for var i 0 i 1000 i myObjects i .onMyEvent myEventHandler The first is tidier since it doesn't.. that you use an anonymous function for var i 0 i 1000 i myObjects i .onMyEvent function do something You are creating a thousand..

What is the difference between an array and an object?


they both behave the same and also typeof myArray typeof myObjects both yield 'object' . Is there any difference between these..