

javascript Programming Glossary: mysite

JQuery UI tabs: How do I navigate directly to a tab from another page?


see this in the link shown at the foot of the browser http mysite product 3 #orders Above would be the orders tab for example...

document.createElement(“script”) synchronously


'type' 'text javascript' script.setAttribute 'src' 'http mysite my.js' head.appendChild script myFunction Fails because it hasn't..

How to close a facebook SDK dialog opened with FB.ui()?


some callback url page on your site for example https mysite close_dialog.html 3 Set action attr of as just created url action.. 3 Set action attr of as just created url action http mysite close_dialog.html 4 In your close_dialog.html put followed JS.. 'https ' document.location 'http mysite close_dialog.html' else top.window.FB.Dialog.remove top.window.FB.Dialog._active..

SharePoint 2010: Create a bookmark button that adds a page to your My Links


and URL fields pre poulated javascript sharepoint 2010 mysite share improve this question I ended up using the object..

FB.logout() called without an access token


out redirect the user if response.session window.location mysite Login.aspx return if we do have a non null response.session..