

javascript Programming Glossary: scope.data

Can Angular.js auto-update a view if a persistent model (server database) is changed by an external app?


scope Socket Socket.on 'content changed' function data scope.data data scope.submitContent function socket.emit 'content changed'.. scope.submitContent function socket.emit 'content changed' scope.data You could get really high tech and create a websocket implementation..

AngularJS - Processing $http response in service


our own then function myService.async .then function d scope.data d Here is a slightly more complicated version that caches the.. function myService scope scope.clearData function scope.data scope.getData function Call the async method and then do stuff..

Server polling with AngularJS


worked 'use strict' function dataCtrl scope http timeout scope.data function tick http.get 'api changingData' .success function.. tick http.get 'api changingData' .success function data scope.data data timeout tick 1000 When I simulate a slow server by sleeping.. params isArray true function dataCtrl scope timeout Data scope.data function tick scope.data Data.query timeout tick 1000 This..

Initialize AngularJS service with asynchronous data


'Promise is now resolved ' MyService.doStuff .data scope.data MyService.doStuff I've made an example at plnkr http plnkr.co..

Switching data models in AngularJS for dynamic select menus


menus 2 and 3's data. This is the inside of my Controller scope.data id 0 site Brands Hatch buildings building Building #1 building.. function id delete scope.selected.value angular.forEach scope.data function attr if attr.id id scope.selectedAttr attr As far.. this deletes the current data on change then loops through scope.data and if the attr.id matches the id passed into the function it..

AngularJS - Getting data inserted in a dom


myApp.controller 'MainCtrl' function scope PrimaryData scope.data angular.copy PrimaryData console.log scope.data 0 .name John.. scope.data angular.copy PrimaryData console.log scope.data 0 .name John But this way somehow not worked for me when i started..