

javascript Programming Glossary: sel.createrange

Calculate width & height of the selected text (javascript)


range var x 0 y 0 if sel if sel.type Control range sel.createRange range.collapse true x range.boundingLeft y range.boundingTop.. var width 0 height 0 if sel if sel.type Control range sel.createRange width range.boundingWidth height range.boundingHeight else..

how to change behavior of contenteditable blocks after on enter pressed in various browsers


document.selection undefined sel document.selection if sel.createRange range sel.createRange range.pasteHTML br range.select addedBr.. sel document.selection if sel.createRange range sel.createRange range.pasteHTML br range.select addedBr true If successful..

jquery: select text event


var sel document.selection if sel.type Text var textRange sel.createRange if textRange.text selectCallback textRange.parentElement ..

Get a range's start and end offset's relative to its parent container


else if sel doc.selection sel.type Control var textRange sel.createRange var preCaretTextRange doc.body.createTextRange preCaretTextRange.moveToElementText..

Inserting text into an editable IFRAME at the caret position (IE)


if sel.type None selectedRange sel.createRange iframe.contentWindow.attachEvent onfocus function if selectedRange..

Editing Iframe Content in IE - problem in maintaining text selection


win var sel win.document.selection return sel.type None sel.createRange null restoreSelection function win savedSelection if savedSelection..

How to get caret position within contenteditable div with html child elements?


function var sel document.selection return sel.type None sel.createRange null restoreSelection function savedSelection if savedSelection..

Insert html at caret in a contenteditable div


sel.type Control IE 9 var originalRange sel.createRange originalRange.collapse true sel.createRange .pasteHTML html.. originalRange sel.createRange originalRange.collapse true sel.createRange .pasteHTML html if selectPastedContent range sel.createRange.. .pasteHTML html if selectPastedContent range sel.createRange range.setEndPoint StartToStart originalRange range.select ..

Javascript Text Selection Page Coordinates


range var x 0 y 0 if sel if sel.type Control range sel.createRange range.collapse true x range.boundingLeft y range.boundingTop..

Get parent element of a selected text


Select whole word with getSelection


if sel document.selection sel.type Control var textRange sel.createRange if textRange.text textRange.expand word Move the end back..

Calculate Position of selected text javascript/JQuery?


undefined sel document.selection .type Control range sel.createRange priorRange document.body.createTextRange priorRange.moveToElementText..

How to know if selected text is inside a specific div


WYSIWYG editor for IE [closed]


else if sel document.selection sel.type Text selectedText sel.createRange .text return selectedText var sel html ' span style background.. span if sel document.selection sel.type Control sel.createRange .pasteHTML html else document.execCommand InsertHTML false html..

Find caret position in textarea in pixels


'ta' function moveDiv var sel document.selection var targ sel.createRange d.style.top a.offsetTop a.clientTop d.clientHeight 6 d.style.left..