

javascript Programming Glossary: sel.text

Get the offset position of the caret in a textarea in pixels


.setSelection i i 1 var sel this .getSelection endchar sel.text end sel.start range.setStart div 0 .childNodes 0 index range.setEnd..

Insert text on the current place of the cursor in the browser


doc.selection myField.focus sel doc.selection.createRange sel.text myValue FF hopefully others else if myField.selectionStart myField.selectionStart..

How to get caret position in textarea?


dul sel.duplicate len 0 dul.moveToElementText node sel.text c len dul.text.indexOf c sel.moveStart 'character' 1 sel.text.. c len dul.text.indexOf c sel.moveStart 'character' 1 sel.text return len complete code here I also recommend you to check..

How to get selected text from textbox control with javascript


var sel document.selection.createRange selectedText sel.text Mozilla version else if textComponent.selectionStart undefined..

How to insert text at the current caret position in a textarea


support this.focus sel document.selection.createRange sel.text text this.focus else if this.selectionStart this.selectionStart..

How do I insert a character at the caret with javascript?


lasttext.focus var sel document.selection.createRange sel.text marker var tmptext lasttext.value var curpos tmptext.indexOf..