

javascript Programming Glossary: string.replace

MessageFormat in javascript (parameters in localized UI strings)


function replaceParams string replacements return string.replace d g function return replacements arguments 1 Or if prototype..

JSON.stringify deep objects


escapable.lastIndex 0 return escapable.test string ' ' string.replace escapable function a var c meta a return typeof c 'string'..

REGEX to replace multiple Spaces with a single space


Javascript Regex: How to put a variable inside a regular expression?


So for example function input var testVar input string ... string.replace ReGeX testVar ReGeX replacement But this is of course not working..

JS string.split() without removing the delimiters


d Split by var string abcdeabcde var newstringreplaced string.replace d gi d var newstring newstringreplaced.split return newstring..

How can i use preg_match in jQuery?


expression engine which is accessed via the string.match string.replace and string.split functions. For example var mystring this is.. For example var mystring this is a sentence mystring mystring.replace sentence 'string' var matches mystring.match b w b That should..

Javascript: negative lookbehind equivalent?


lookbehind share improve this question Use newString string.replace abcdefg m function 0 1 return 1 0 'm' share improve this answer..

fileReader.readAsBinaryString to upload files


on the raw binary data function utf8encode string string string.replace r n g n var utftext for var n 0 n string.length n var c string.charCodeAt..

How to convert large UTF-8 strings into ASCII?


escapable.lastIndex 0 return escapable.test string ' ' string.replace escapable function a var c meta a return typeof c 'string'..