

javascript Programming Glossary: stringwithformat

Disable copy and paste in UIWebView unsolved


of strings as follows webView loadHTMLString NSString stringWithFormat @ @ p class paragraph style float right @ p css array objectAtIndex..

Invoke method in objective c code from HTML code using UIWebView


How to find (in javascript) the current “scroll” offset in mobile safari / iphone


webViewObj stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString NSString stringWithFormat @ document.body.scrollTop d scrollHeight share improve this..

Youtube video autoplay on iPhone's Safari or UIWebView


webView.delegate self NSString htmlString NSString stringWithFormat NSString stringWithContentsOfFile NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource..

Loading javascript into a UIWebView from resources


html baseURL NSURL fileURLWithPath NSString stringWithFormat @ @ htdocs NSBundle mainBundle bundlePath And this should..

JavaScript Library to Bridge IndexedDB and WebSQL


How to check element properties in iOS gui automation?


properties NSString accessibilityValue return NSString stringWithFormat @ 'alpha' f 'isSelected' @ self.alpha self.isSelected @ true..

UIWebView CSS injection using JavaScript


baseURL NSURL fileURLWithPath cssPath NSString js NSString stringWithFormat @ var fileref document.createElement 'link' fileref.setAttribute..

iOS UIWebView Javascript - insert data -receive callbacks?


stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString NSString stringWithFormat @ getAndReturnRadioValue d questionCounterIntValue But to trigger..

Can you call a javascript function from native code (not in a callback) using PhoneGap and iOS?


@ Connected To @ i. host port NSString jsString NSString stringWithFormat @ alert connected to @ host theWebView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString..

Injecting CSS into UIWebView using JavaScript


@ reader.css NSString js NSString stringWithFormat @ var headID document.getElementsByTagName 'head' 0 var cssNode.. error NULL NSString extraHeadTags NSString stringWithFormat @ style @ style head iOSCssData html uneditedHtml stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString..

iOS Objective C - UIWebView AutoFill and Execute


string values into javascript javaScriptString NSString stringWithFormat javascriptString firstValue secondValue run javascript in webview..

Finding and auto-filling HTML login forms in a UIWebView using JavaScript


0 create js strings NSString loadUsernameJS NSString stringWithFormat @ var inputFields document.querySelectorAll input type 'text'.. .value ' @' savedUsername NSString loadPasswordJS NSString stringWithFormat @ document.querySelectorAll input type 'password' .value ' @'..