

javascript Programming Glossary: swfobject.embedswf

java script has error


project deploy mp3gallery xml mp3gallery.xml EMBED THE SWF swfobject.embedSWF swfPath attributes.id stageW stageH 9.0.124 http loveslgirls.com..

Problem accessing ExternalInterface exposed method in Google Chrome


2.2 swfobject.js script script type text javascript swfobject.embedSWF http invincible.dynalias.com 8080 HelloWorld.swf mycontent 400..

YouTube Player API: How to get duration of a loaded/cued video without playing it?


params allowScriptAccess always bgcolor #cccccc var atts swfobject.embedSWF videoId border 0 amp enablejsapi 1 amp playerapiid 'player'..

Detect if Flash application loaded correctly using Javascript?


false flashTimer setTimeout onFlashTimeout 5000 swfobject.embedSWF flash VideoFeed.swf flashObject 800 600 11 expressInstall.swf..

Using Youtube's javascript API with jQuery


id ytplayer i div ' div ' .attr 'id' containerplayer i swfobject.embedSWF http www.youtube.com v QTQfGd3G6dg enablejsapi 1 playerapiid..

How can I send value to Actionscript using Javascript


line var flashvars flashvars.myVariable 3.14159 ... ... swfobject.embedSWF FlashVarTest.swf flashContent 100 100 swfVersionStr xiSwfUrlStr..

Resize an SWF when loading it with SWFObject


var flashvars var params scale exactFit var attributes swfobject.embedSWF myContent.swf flash 100 100 9.0.0 expressInstall.swf flashvars..