

javascript Programming Glossary: system.web.ui.page

Disable button on form submission


using System.Threading public partial class _Default System.Web.UI.Page protected void Page_Load object sender EventArgs e Identify..

Pass C# Values To Javascript


once page_load is finished. public partial class Example System.Web.UI.Page protected string blah protected void Page_Load object sender..

Javascript serialization of DateTime in asp.net is not giving a javascript date object?


namespace testing public partial class iTaxPrep System.Web.UI.Page protected string jsonDateNow protected void Page_Load object..

Call ASP.NET Function From Javascript?


Class to make it look like public partial class Default System.Web.UI.Page IPostBackEventHandler ii. This should add using Tab Tab this..

Why doesn't my form post when I disable the submit button to prevent double clicking?


html My cs code using System public partial class _Default System.Web.UI.Page protected override void OnInit EventArgs e base.OnInit e btn.Click..

ASP.NET - Javascript timeOut Warning based on sessionState timeOut in web.config


on the page Sample code public void RegisterTimeoutWarning System.Web.UI.Page Page var timeout HttpContext.Current.Session.Timeout 60 1000..

assign C# string of array or string[] to javascript array


public partial class onecol System.Web.UI.Page JavaScriptSerializer serializer public static string test 'animal'..

ASP.net not generating javascript for some User Agents


form body html Codebehind Partial Class _jsTest Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Protected Sub linkTest_Click ByVal sender As Object ByVal e..