

javascript Programming Glossary: transport

HTML5 WebSocket vs Long Polling vs AJAX


data is simply encrypted. WebRTC Is peer to peer type of transport and is transport agnostic so uses UDP TCP or even more abstract.. encrypted. WebRTC Is peer to peer type of transport and is transport agnostic so uses UDP TCP or even more abstract layers. By design.. TCP or even more abstract layers. By design it allows to transport data in reliable as well as unreliable ways. This is generally..

HTML5 Local Storage of audio element source - is it possible?


to use the data uri and base64 to use the html as a audio transport that can be cached but again the filesize makes this prohibitive...

Ajax Binary Response


returns a binary image inputstream onSuccess function transport text example alert transport.responseText QUESTION is there.. onSuccess function transport text example alert transport.responseText QUESTION is there a streaming binary response 'imgElem'.. is there a streaming binary response 'imgElem' .src transport.responseBinary onFailure function transport handle failure ..

XMLHTTPRequest.status returns 0 and responseText is blank in FireFox 3.5


I place my URL Here method 'get' onSuccess function transport var resultDoc transport.responseText var rootObj loadXML resultDoc.. method 'get' onSuccess function transport var resultDoc transport.responseText var rootObj loadXML resultDoc onFailure function.. var rootObj loadXML resultDoc onFailure function transport alert ' On Failure ' transport function loadXML xmlFile var..

How to access the correct `this` / context inside a callback?


registers an event handler function MyConstructor data transport this.data data transport.on 'data' function alert this.name.. function MyConstructor data transport this.data data transport.on 'data' function alert this.name called as var obj new MyConstructor.. alert this.name called as var obj new MyConstructor 'foo' transport jsFiddle demo However I'm not able to access the data property..

How to Force Javascript to Execute within HTML Response to Ajax Request


true is set. Ajax.Request is geared toward data transport such as getting a JSON response. Since you are updating HTML..

How to implement a chat room using Jquery/PHP?


parameters 'timestamp' this.timestamp onSuccess function transport handle the server response var response transport.responseText.evalJSON.. function transport handle the server response var response transport.responseText.evalJSON this.comet.timestamp response 'timestamp'.. response this.comet.noerror true onComplete function transport send a new ajax request when this request is finished if this.comet.noerror..

Video streaming over websockets using JavaScript


Dynamically changing stylesheet path not working in IE and Firefox


' d.getTime method 'post' frequency 5 onSuccess function transport for i 0 a document.getElementsByTagName 'link' i i if a.getAttribute..

How to modify Cookie from Ajax call


by the user agent to let it control those aspects of transport. This guarantees data integrity to some extent. Header names..

XD_Proxy popup won't close [closed]


origin http 3A 2F 2Flocalhost 2Ff4dcd5fdc relation opener transport postmessage frame f7e77d918 access_token ... expires_in 6642..