

javascript Programming Glossary: www.google.com

What's the difference between window.location= and window.location.replace()?


Is there a difference between these two lines var url http www.google.com window.location url window.location.replace url javascript..

iFrame src change event detection?


onLoad event as in the following example iframe src http www.google.com onLoad alert 'Test' iframe The alert will pop up whenever the..

jQuery Text to Link Script?


anchor tags pointing to those locations For example http www.google.com would automatically turn into a href http www.google.com http.. www.google.com would automatically turn into a href http www.google.com http www.google.com a Note I am wanting this because I don't.. automatically turn into a href http www.google.com http www.google.com a Note I am wanting this because I don't want to go through..

AJAX cross domain call


about AJAX cross domain policy. So I can't just call http www.google.com over a ajax HTTP request and display the results somewhere on.. part .ajax url 'proxy.php' type 'POST' data address 'http www.google.com' success function response response now contains full HTML of..

Simulate Click Javascript


0 null control.dispatchEvent evObj script a href http www.google.com id mytest1 test 1 a br script type text javascript simulateClick..

What is a good regular expression to match a URL?


content.match urlR The problem is when I enter a URL like www.google.com its not working. when I entered http www.google.com it is working... like www.google.com its not working. when I entered http www.google.com it is working. I am not very fluent in regular expressions... a zA Z0 9@ _ .~# gi var regex new RegExp expression var t 'www.google.com' if t.match regex alert Successful match else alert No match..

How do I get the current location of an iframe?


window doing document.getElementById myiframe .src 'http www.google.com ' If the user navigates inside the iframe you can't anymore.. src. In the previous example if the user goes away from www.google.com and you do alert document.getElementById myiframe .src You will.. myiframe .src You will still get http www.google.com . documentWindow.location.href is only available if the iframe..

Using HTML5/Canvas/Javascript to take screenshots


module will demonstrate the screenshot capability http www.google.com tools feedback intl en learnmore.html Thanks for your help ..

Where do you include the jQuery library from? Google JSAPI? CDN?


have been using the following for Google script src https www.google.com jsapi script script google.load 'jquery' '1.3.1' script I like..

Using JQuery hover with HTML image map


area shape polygon coords 216 50 339 50 277 156 href http www.google.com id triangle area shape polygon coords 460 0 574 0 460 220 href..

Autosizing textarea using prototype


www.w3.org TR html4 loose.dtd html head script src http www.google.com jsapi script script language javascript google.load 'prototype'..

Best practice: escape, or encodeURI / encodeURIComponent


escape OR use encodeURI encodeURIComponent encodeURI http www.google.com var1 value1 var2 value2 encodeURIComponent var1 value1 var2.. when you want a working URL. Make this call encodeURI http www.google.com a file with spaces.html to get http www.google.com a 20file.. http www.google.com a file with spaces.html to get http www.google.com a 20file 20with 20spaces.html Don't call encodeURIComponent..