

javascript Programming Glossary: www.quirksmode.org

In Javascript/jQuery what does (e) mean?


useful references http api.jquery.com category events http www.quirksmode.org js events_properties.html http www.javascriptkit.com jsref event.shtml.. http www.javascriptkit.com jsref event.shtml http www.quirksmode.org dom events index.html http www.w3.org TR DOM Level 3 Events..

jQuery.click() vs onClick


HTML elements. More about Modern event registration http www.quirksmode.org js events_advanced.html Other methods such as setting the HTML.. per event. More about Traditional event handling http www.quirksmode.org js events_tradmod.html MDN Reference https developer.mozilla.org..

How can I position an element next to user text selection?


selectionEl Find markerEl position http www.quirksmode.org js findpos.html var obj markerEl var left 0 top 0 do left obj.offsetLeft..

Find X/Y of an HTML element with JavaScript


improve this question Here's how I do it Based on http www.quirksmode.org js findpos.html var getCumulativeOffset function obj var left..

IE8 does not support querySelectorAll


var titleCheckBox document.querySelectorAll Here http www.quirksmode.org dom w3c_core.html#t13 written that IE8 support this method...

How to get the background color of an element using javascript?


undefined else alert 'damn' copied from `QuirksMode` http www.quirksmode.org dom getstyles.html function getStyle x styleProp if x.currentStyle..

setAttribute is not working for 'style' attribute on IE


'right' As for reference I always go to www.quirksmode.org . Specifically http www.quirksmode.org compatibility.html ... I always go to www.quirksmode.org . Specifically http www.quirksmode.org compatibility.html . Click on all the DOM related stuff. And..

jQuery equivalent of JavaScript's addEventListener method


capturing or bubbling phase per my understanding from http www.quirksmode.org js events_advanced.html is left out. How do I specify that parameter..

Most efficient method of detecting/monitoring DOM changes?


mutation observers share improve this question http www.quirksmode.org js events DOMtree.html jQuery now supports a way to attach events..

What are the typical reasons Javascript developed on Firefox fails on IE? [closed]


open. I found this page which shows some differences http www.quirksmode.org compatibility.html Can you from your experience name some typical..

What is the “best” way to get and set a single cookie value using JavaScript


cookies share improve this question Stolen from http www.quirksmode.org js cookies.html#script function createCookie name value days..

Handling key-press events (F1-F12) using JavaScript and jQuery, cross-browser


source I have for this kind of question is this page http www.quirksmode.org js keys.html What they say is that the key codes are odd on..

How to detect in iOS webapp when switching back to Safari from background?


script head body Main text body html According http www.quirksmode.org dom events index.html Safari iPhone does not fire the event..

getSelection() not working in IE


You can read more about the textrange and range issues on www.quirksmode.org dom range_intro.html . The following implementation works in..

What is the Best way to do Browser Detection in Javascript?


Javascript Event Bubbling


e.stopPropagation other browsers More info http www.quirksmode.org js events_order.html EDIT The above was a quick way to show..

What is the difference between screenX/Y, clientX/Y and pageX/Y?


a visual on which browsers support which properties http www.quirksmode.org dom w3c_cssom.html#t03 w3schools has an online Javascript interpreter..

jQuery/Javascript to replace broken images
