

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:02:15

jquery Programming Glossary: browser_action

google chrome extension- popup page not showing correctly


basicjs.js description The first extension that I made. browser_action default_icon icon.png default_popup popup.html permissions http.. permissions http https background scripts background.js browser_action default_icon images anya_bl_32x32x32.png optional default_title..

jQuery.trigger('click') doesn't work in Chrome Extension on Mac


tabs http https background scripts background.js browser_action default_title MacAddon content_scripts matches http .kinox.to..

Chrome extension: Uncaught Error: Code generation from strings disallowed for this context


2 description The first extension that I made. browser_action default_icon icon.ico default_popup popup.html popup.html doctype..

Loading jQuery into chrome-extension


extension js jquery.js popup.js run_at document_end browser_action default_icon icon.png default_popup popup.html default_title.. version 0.1 manifest_version 2 options_page options.html browser_action default_icon icon.png default_popup popup.html default_title..

Web Page Source Annotation Tool


Page Capture MHTML Functionality permissions pageCapture browser_action default_icon screen.png default_popup popup.html manifest_version..

google chrome extension- popup page not showing correctly


2 content_scripts matches all_urls js jquery 1.7.2 full.js basicjs.js description The first extension that I made. browser_action default_icon icon.png default_popup popup.html permissions http https background scripts background.js browser_action default_icon.. browser_action default_icon icon.png default_popup popup.html permissions http https background scripts background.js browser_action default_icon images anya_bl_32x32x32.png optional default_title Test optional shown in tooltip default_popup popup.html..

jQuery.trigger('click') doesn't work in Chrome Extension on Mac


add on. Here my manifest.json name MacAddon version 0.1 permissions tabs http https background scripts background.js browser_action default_title MacAddon content_scripts matches http .kinox.to http .streamcloud.eu js jquery.js javascript jquery osx..

Chrome extension: Uncaught Error: Code generation from strings disallowed for this context


this Manifest.json manifest.json name YYYY version 1.0 manifest_version 2 description The first extension that I made. browser_action default_icon icon.ico default_popup popup.html popup.html doctype html html ng csp ng app head title Getting Started Extension's..

Loading jQuery into chrome-extension


try options_page options.html content_scripts matches chrome extension js jquery.js popup.js run_at document_end browser_action default_icon icon.png default_popup popup.html default_title Click me Actually trying to reload the extension tell me that.. in your code. Let your manifest file be name Test Extension version 0.1 manifest_version 2 options_page options.html browser_action default_icon icon.png default_popup popup.html default_title Click me And popup.html ... script type text javascript src..

Web Page Source Annotation Tool


manifest.json name Page Capture Demo description This demos Page Capture MHTML Functionality permissions pageCapture browser_action default_icon screen.png default_popup popup.html manifest_version 2 version 1 popup.html html head script src popup.js script..