

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:02:15

jquery Programming Glossary: bsort

jQuery DataTables is messing op my CSS grids in IE8, how to fix?


center sTitle Grade bAutoWidth false bFilter false bLengthChange false bProcessing true bServerSide true bSort false iDisplayLength 11 sAjaxSource ' Administration Bank List2' script body html This is the only CSS that I currently..

Pagination with selected check boxes. Checkboxes will only work on current pagination page. jQuery datatables


'#contactsTable' .dataTable bJQueryUI true sPaginationType full_numbers bPaginate true bLengthChange true bFilter true bSort false bInfo true bAutoWidth false bProcessing true aoColumns bVisible false keep the id invisble null null null null..

Jquery dataTables and tablesorter together


by using dataTables plugin with the following configuration bServerSide true sAjaxSource ajax_source bPaginate true bSort false bFilter false I also had a requirement of sorting this data client side i.e. only on the current page and not the..

“oCol is Undefined” Using Datatables and jQuery Ui Dialog


width 900 height 500 open function event ui #tRes .dataTable bPaginate true bLengthChange true bFilter true bSort true bInfo true bAutoWidth true script This is my Table With the PHP Snippet div id results table id tRes thead.. Have you tried settings your Columns like this #tRes .dataTable bPaginate true bLengthChange true bFilter true bSort true bInfo true bAutoWidth true aoColumns null null put as many null values as your columns If this still don't..

Using ajax to load a jQuery DataTable


datatable call '#my table' .dataTable bFilter false bInfo false bJQueryUI true bPaginate false bStateSave false bSort false aoColumns sTitle Date sTitle Our Co. sTitle Their Co. sTitle Note sAjaxSource contact company_name Using Chrome..